There is an application fee of $100 USD to apply for SPCP trainer member. Once you meet all requirements and are approved you will be required to set up a trainer member subscription of $250 annually or $22 monthly.

NOTE: This fee is in addition to your SPCP Professional Membership.

If you are already an SPCP Trainer Member please complete the form below to update your details & renew your subscription. Ensure you have current CPCP status before applying or renewing.

Benefits of being an SPCP Trainer Member:

  • Each trainer will be listed on the official SPCP website Trainers directory

  • 1 x Free Post per year on SPCP official social media and members only groups. *to be approved by SPCP

  • 20% OFF SPCP Publications

  • Additional discount on convention tickets for bulk purchase.

  • Trainers will be offered an opportunity to add courses to the SPCP Learning Centre *Affiliate Program not included in membership

Requirements to become a SPCP Trainer Member:

  • Each trainer must be an existing SPCP Professional member or Lifetime Member

  • Each trainer must hold & maintain Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional (CPCP) certification.

  • Each trainer will have a minimum of five (5) years of permanent cosmetic experience and have completed a minimum of three hundred (300) procedures for each procedure type that is being taught and must be verifiable.

  • Trainers will complete not less than sixteen (16) hours of continuing education over a two (2) year period. This may include attendance at conventions, virtual training, and other classes pertinent to the permanent cosmetics field.

  • Each trainer shall have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.

  • Each trainer must attend a Train the Trainer program (offered at least once a year) and renew it every four years.

  • You will also be required to submit the below form and include all required documents This includes at least 1 copy of a current student curriculum for the training level you are applying to teach.

  • Please read the Trainer Member Guidelines before applying

Please Note:

  • Trainer Members must hold current CPCP and have completed Train the Trainer either online or in person since their last renewal date.

  • You will also be required to submit other documents including updated student curriculum prior to approval.

  • Please ensure you qualify & have filled out the application form prior to payment.

* If you do not qualify for trainer membership when your application is reviewed, the application fee of $100 will not be refunded and you will need to repay the application fee of $100 to re-apply.

Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

PLEASE Complete the Form Below